Here's a track from the forthcoming Tegan & Sara album titled "Sainthood". The album is set to release on October 27th. You can pre-order the album HERE. I took my now wife, then girlfriend, to see the Canadian duo at the Orpheum Theater in downtown LA about two years ago. We had seats two rows from the front of the stage, dead center. While I was the lone male in the sea of the femme mafia that graces their shows, it was easily one of the best shows I've been to, for so many reasons. Guilty pleasures be damned, I like these two.
"Sentimental Tune"
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Tegan & Sara music is available on iTunes.
CLICK HERE for front page and full list of track postings.
Why do you consider them guilty pleasures? Because they're an all-girl band or because they make make straight forward pop? Not every band has to change the genre or save the world.
Great question, Jon. Normally, we don't associate with anything with a fanbase akin to The Lilith Fair. We love all girl bands, though. We just plain feel weird when we like the same things as an army of Doc wearing, lunch box carrying ladies, with daggers in their eyes for men.
Army of Doc wearing, lunch box carrying ladies, with daggers in their eyes for men = quite possibly the dumbest thing I've heard.
Yayyyyyayyyyy! "Anonymous" comment posters! Yayyyyyy!
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