I just want to start off by saying, I used to love you...and I mean a lot. Back in the early 1990's, you were this awkward teenager's only friend. You introduced me to the timeless music of P.I.L., Siouxie and The Banshees, The Ramones, and countless other artists that I still love today.
When I moved away to college, in 1996, we naturally drifted apart, as I could not get to you, such as with today's technology. This same technology has afforded me the chance to re-visit you, my old flame, from the confines of my daily, hellish cubicle.
Over the last couple of days, I was horrified to hear the following sampling of music, over the span of a few hours: "Interstate Love Song" by Stone Temple Pilots, some awful, unidentified song by The Offspring, a track from Weezer's first album, some even worse Red Hot Chili Peppers song from "Dani California", three songs from Sublime, almost every single from Nirvana's "Nevermind" album, and to top it off, some Papa Roach.
KROQ, do you have live deejays? Or is a robot programmed to play songs from 16 years ago, on constant rotation, all day, everyday? You used to be a pioneer. You used to deserve to dub yourself as "World Famous". Did I outgrow you? Surely. Did you grow up whatsoever? Clearly not.
You've done nothing to further yourself, or the state of rock music. It really is embarrassing. Not until a contemporary band like Phoenix or The Silversun Pickups becomes engrossed in the mainstream, will you give them attention. You used to springboard bands into great heights, is this too much work these days?
There are a few highlights that remain in your programming, however. Rodney on the Roq will forever be an LA staple, although we've heard he's had a bumpy relationship with you in the past. We also like Kat Corbett for highlighting a few of LA's local acts that are worth noting. Other than that, you are the creepy uncle who never married, and is hopelessly living in the past (as I write this piece, a quite terrible Blink 182 song is being played on the air).
My dream job has always been to take a huge station like KROQ, and give an overhaul to its programming, thus providing the wonderful city of Los Angeles a great place to hear music, first...again. Because what we have now is unacceptable. If not me, how about any of the wonderful personalities this town has to offer, broadcasting on much more humble frequencies?
Unapologetically Yours,
Long Time Listener, First Time Open Letter Blogger.
Here's a song that is better than 97% of your current programming...this is scientifically calculated.

Visit The Soft Pack's MySpace page at www.myspace.com/thesoftpack
"C'mon" by The Soft Pack
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The Soft Pack's self titled album will be released on February 2nd. You can pre-order the entire album HERE.
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