Just wanted to personally invite, and let everyone in the L.A. area know about a great show, with a great cause this Satudrday, January 30th. Former Sunday's Best drummer and Kite Eating Tree guitarist Tom Ackerman, will be playing with his new project, Star Parts, at El Cid this weekend.
I will personally be in attendance, collecting donations on behalf of the Los Angeles Chapter of The Red Cross that evening, to benefit the earthquake victims in Haiti. Star Parts has graciously and generously agreed to donate their record, "What You Bleed is What You Get", to this cause. A $5 donation will get you a copy of the Star Parts album, along with a Star Parts sticker. The wonderful guys from Margate, will also be on the bill, lending a hand to this worthy cause.
We have some other great things in store for that night. A few record labels and businesses around the Silverlake/Echo Park Area, have generously agreed to donate some items for raffle, at this show. The 'Text Haiti' campaign has raised over 8 million dollars. The all star telethon last week raised over 57 million dollars. All of this possible, because of everyday, hardworking people, banding together for a great cause. The people of Haiti still need our help. Let's show everyone what this "ineffectual" and "apathetic" generation is actually capable of doing.
Come for a great cause, stay for great drinks, and a collection of generous, fun loving people. El Cid is located at 4212 West Sunset Boulevard, just east of The 4100 Bar in Silverlake, CA. Show starts at 10pm, doors at 9pm.
"Los Angeles, I'm Yours" by The Decemberists
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"Los Angeles, I'm Yours" is from the album "Her Majesty, The Decemberists", available on iTunes.
Here's an update on the night's events! The following businesses have charitably donated items:
Spitfire Girl in Echo Park, is home to many great gift items, and hand crafted arts and crafts, from local artists. They have put an arrangement of these items up for raffle on Saturday night. Visit their site for an idea of the great, affordable items they offer HERE. We love their wood, wall art!
Pull My Daisy in Silverlake, at the heart of The Sunset Junction, has also offered a gift bag worth of goodies. For a great collection of Men's and Women's clothing, shoes, and gift items, please visit their MySpace page HERE. Big thanks to Sarah, her lovable weiner dog Bingo, and Rick & Colleen, for making this happen!
Dusty's Bistro in Silverlake, offers fine organic produce, chicken, meats, and coffee, with a great atmosphere, and wonderful tunes on the house iPod. They have considerately donated a $50 gift certificate for raffle on Saturday night. Big thanks to Maria, and my old roommate Karrie K., for opening their hearts to this great cause. Check out their site HERE.
Dangerbird Records, also in the heart of The Sunset Junction, and home to such great acts as The Silversun Pickups, Sea Wolf, One Am Radio, and The Dears, has also generously committed to donating merchandise for raffle. Their spirit of giving is a beacon in our city of Los Angeles. Visit the Dangerbird Records site for the full array of excellent merch they have to offer. Also visit the Pablove Foundation site, for the backstory of a courageous little boy, and the wonderful Dangerbird Co-Founder's story, HERE.
Stay tuned for more updates, and a thank you, from the bottom of my heart to all these great people who have given to the progress of Saturday night.