First off, here's a track from the new Tokyo Police Club album, titled "Champ". The album is due out on June 8th, via Mom + Pop Records. Tokyo Police Club is currently touring as a support act for Passion Pit. My first listen of "Champ" has me quite impressed of the Club's well crafted collection of pop songs on their fifth release. Check out the wonderful melodies from "Hands Reversed" below. Pre-order the album from Amazon.
"Hands Reversed" by Tokyo Police Club
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Tokyo Police Club music is available at Amazon.
"That'll be $18.50, please..."

In an ongoing installment, we're gonna highlight some films set to be released this Summer, that has piqued our interest. Here's a few to get that proverbial itch in your pants going...
"Get Low" has a July 30th release date, and stars Robert Duvall, Bill Murray, and Sissy Spacek. An old timey styled movie, with an interesting plot...check out the trailer below.
"Get Low"
My old college roommate was constantly teased for his love of such terrible excuses of entertainment, such as The Highlander TV series...however, he was unapologetic about it, as he himself knew how terrible it was, but would simply say, "It's so bad, that it's actually good...". Enter, "The Expendables". A film starring Jason Statham, Mickey Rourke, Sylvester Stallone, Steve Austin, Jet Li, and Dolph Lundgren! You gotta see it for yourself. Sadly, you gotta wait til August 13th to get your testosterone hopped up.
"The Expendables"
And the last to be released film we wanna talk about today, is "The Kids are All Right", starring same sex movie partners Julianne Moore and Annette Benning, who meet their sperm donor from years ago, played by Mark Ruffalo. We love Julianne Moore as one of Alec Baldwin's "Bahh-stan" love interests on 30 Rock. Our favorite Julianne Moore quote from the last episode? (To Alec Baldwin) "You look like a gay mortician in that suit...". "The Kids are All Right" drew rave reviews at Sundance earlier this year, and releases on July 7th.
"The Kids are All Right"
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